The New Year is here which means it is time for you and your family to set resolutions.
You probably think, why does my child need resolutions?
When it comes to children, achieving goals or resolutions can play a critical role in developing healthy self-esteem and confidence. Start by explaining to your child first what a resolution means, and give examples of ones you have set in past years.
Just keep in mind that resolutions should always be discussed in a positive way with children. For example: Saying “I’m going to do this…” instead of “I’m going to stop doing this.”
If your child suggests well-intentioned but vague ideas like “Be a better friend” or “Be healthier,” try to help them filter those ideas into tangible actions that can be done every day, either by themselves or together as a family.
Try using the SMART method with setting resolutions:
S = Specific
Let’s say your child wants to get better grades this year. While that’s a great goal to aim for—it’s very broad and open to interpretation—make this goal more specific by narrowing it down to certain subjects.
For instance, if your child struggles in math and science, they can focus on improving in those areas.
Narrowing in on specific subjects will help keep your child from getting overwhelmed.
M = Motivating
Is your child excited or interested in accomplishing this goal? If not, their work rate will reflect that. If your child doesn’t enjoy math or science, try relating the goal to something that interests them.
For example, if your child’s dream is to become a professional athlete, make sure they understand the importance of performing well enough in school to be eligible for a scholarship. Accomplishing any goal is easier when you have the proper motivation.
A = Attainable
Being unrealistic with your child’s resolution can be a recipe for disappointment. You don’t want your child to get overwhelmed because they feel like their resolution is impossible to achieve, so make sure the goal is attainable.
R = Relevant
Is this goal going to help your child’s growth and development, or is it relatively pointless? Make sure your child is taking this opportunity to really accomplish something.
T = Trackable
Make sure the progress of your child’s resolution can be measured. Seeing evidence of progress as they work towards their goal will only give them more confidence. Conversely, if they hit a bump in the road, it’s important for them to see what they did wrong so they can adjust their strategy if needed.
Here are some examples of resolutions you and your children can make:
Instead of: “I’m going to eat healthier.”
Suggest: “I’m going to drink two glasses of milk each day instead of soda or juice.” Or, “I’m going to eat two pieces of fruit at lunch each day.”
Instead of: “I’m going to exercise more.”
Suggest: “I’m going to join a soccer team.” Or, “I’m going to go to yoga class with Mom on Saturdays.”
Instead of: “We’re going to cut down on screen time.”
Suggest: “We’re going to read for 30 minutes before bed instead of watching TV.”
Instead of: “I’m going to help out around the house.”
Suggest: “I’m going to set the table for dinner every night.” Or, “I’m going to help clean my bedroom once a week.”
Instead of: “I’m going to be nicer to people.”
Suggest: “I’m going to do one random act of kindness a week.” Or, “I’m going to talk to one person at school I’ve never met each week.”
Instead of: “I’m going to learn something new.”
Suggest: “I’m going to learn how to make chocolate chip cookies.” Or, “I will learn how to sing.”
Instead of: “We’re going to spend more quality time together.”
Suggest: “We’re going to have game night every Friday.” Or, “we’re going to eat breakfast together on Sunday mornings after church.”
By making sure that your children’s resolution is SMART, you will help set them up for success in the coming year and beyond!
We would like to wish all our Qraters a Happy New Year! We will be launching more content and surprises this year!
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